Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Real Talk

I'm sure all of you have been thinking "when has that super sexy (even though I haven't seen him) Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe going to reveal his pen name?" Well the dramatic anticipation is over. (Because it totally wasn't procrastination)

I'm terrible at making decisions. I've already written (wrote?) This post 4 times. So let's just screw it.

My name is Justin Whitchurch.



[Insert confetti clip art here]

Just some facts about me, cause I know you all are super interested in me.

~I at one point had 161 digits of pi memorized.
~I know 4 programming languages!
~i REALLY don't like spaghetti.
~My favorite weather in a very particular order is wind, snow, rain, sunny.
~My highest card castle was 8 stories tall.
~I once caught a fish thiiiiiiis big.
~I used to take cold showers so I could keep my cold tolerance up for winter. Then it didn't snow, so I took warm showers again.
~I really enjoy climbing trees.
~I can't swim.
~I drink way too much milk.
~I have more online friends than personal friends. Is that bad?
~I don't actually know if I'm a tourist or not. Probably am.
~Kit Kat's are the bomb.

Also, side note: we should take all the blogs and put them into a book. Just an idea.


  1. This is fantastic, and yeah, writing and rewriting the reveal post was defiantly a thing for me too. And your last idea about making them a book=genius.

    It's nice to meet you, Justin :)

  2. this is great. I agree with Jane, great idea lets make a book, and really i love this post
