Saturday, October 18, 2014

An Ode To Work

So yesterday was my last day at work (cause you know, "Guys I just quit my job :)"), and I thought it might be worth while to share with you some funny quotes or experiences.

So lets start out with a story, Everyday, when my manager leaves for work. she has to take the money we had earned so far that day to the bank and drop it off. One of the employees has to witness it happen and sign a paper saying they witnessed it. So, my manager tells one of my co-workers to follow her to the bank. This is his first time doing it, so he doesn't know what the freak is going on. Anyways, she makes the drop off and leaves to go home. He still doesn't know what's going on, so he starts following her home... Just imagine how bad it would be if you show up at your managers house, having followed her the whole way home... brilliancy at work here guys. But she stopped at Walmart to get some groceries.

"Work like you're being chased by a zombie"

There was a time when I dropped someone's entire meal in front of them... Yep...

"If I didn't know you I would think you were flirting with me"

So when someone gives you a credit card to pay for their meal, you are trained to ask if they wanted a credit card receipt. Sometimes though, if you're really tired, you ask if they want one when they hand you cash.

"I just don't know how to react to you sometimes..."

We legally aren't allowed to serve people through drive through on non-motorized vehicles. So we used to bark at people who would try to come through with bikes or horses or strollers.
Just so you guys know, I have the best trainer ever.

We have this 3 gallon bag of ketchup that we hang on the wall in a container with a nozzle. So in order to change the bag, you need to take the container off the wall to switch the nozzle from the empty bag to the full bag. Well one of the cooks (and my trainer) thought it would be easier to not take it off the wall... Gravity of course took over and there was ketchup everywhere. So me trying to be funny grabbed a knife, and stuck it in the ketchup. Laughing at my joke my trainer went and laid in it looking dead. Pretty chill trainer.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Conspiracy Theory

(Look at me typing this up and posting this during class...)

I'm not crazy.

Teachers will end the world.

What if I told you that teachers have been developing top secret tactics to know what a teenager thinks. Essays, papers, blogs, journals. All contribute to their internal database.

When they ask for feedback. YOU'RE GIVING THEM WHAT THEY WANT.

The theory. Right.

The government. This is how they all start right? (or end) The government will buy out teachers and their tactics that they have been using for century's. We all know that teachers don't get paid enough, so I can't see why they wouldn't take (probably illegally obtained) money from the government. Anyways, the government will learn how certain people think, and by using that information, they can create situations that they already know the outcome to (Because they know how we will react). They can control us without controlling us. It's like the freaking matrix. YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW! anyways, someone will find out (or someone from the government will turn rogue). They will spread the news. People will freak, start destroying crap, like it's the zombie Apocalypse. You know how people do, start raiding shops, leaving nothing but empty shelves... It's like all manners leave once a zombie is spotted in like Africa... (Just a real quick side note, Utah county. Gonna be pretty chill during the zombie outbreak. If you think about the fact that we are surrounded by mountains, and the fact that probably everyone has a gun or two. I wouldn't be worried...) So world freaking out. Right. Everyone will start thinking "Every man (or woman, wouldn't leave you out) for themselves!" and the world would die. However, there always seems to be a group of people who "Saw this coming" (Me) and they would survive. Rebuild society. Let this happen again. Circle of life. It's actually a thing.

Teachers will end the world.

Now you know.

I want to hear your freaking conspiracies. Make a freaking blog post and link it in my comments. I want to be prepared for every possible ending of the world.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

After Thoughts

So I was going to include this in my shout out to my least favorite things, but this deserves more writing than a small paragraph.

I hate getting into arguments with people. More than that, however, I HATE thinking of something that would have turned the tides of the conversation AFTER its over and the subject has moved on.

Here are some examples.

"Why aren't you working on your homework?" says parent

"I don't know" says you (That's pretty much what everyone says to everything that questions their actions)

What I realize I could have said after the fact

"Because you are talking to me! I can't work on my homework if I am giving my attention to a conversation." (That would however probably have gotten me in further trouble.... Worth it.)

I can't think of another example. (just take my word that it happens too often?) HOWEVER if you have one, by all means, post it in the comments. I would love to hear what clever hilarity you guys can come up with.

(Side note: I just found out my keyboard has this button €. Like whaaaaat!)

Something Different

This is the first blog post that I haven't posted Sunday night at 11PM.

My daily routine.

1. Wake up at 6 (or 5 for early morning seminary).
2. Sleep in an hour.
3. Get ready in 5 minutes and go to school.
4. come home at about three and eat (if even).
5. Go to work.
6. Come home close to about midnight and sleep.

(Yes, I do consistently get 5 hours of sleep.)

Somewhere fit in there homework.

I wish I could be different, spontaneous. But I am a planner, I need to know what is going on or it will drive me insane. I need to figure out mysteries. I Hate being "out of the know".

What in the freaking world am I going to do differently. I have to sleep, I have to go to school, I have to eat and I have....




Guys, I just quit my job :)

This blog is starting to change my life. Thank you.