Monday, November 24, 2014

Pinkies Are Useless

My pinkies are useless.

My pinkie is the most useless piece of my body that ever existed. I don't use it for anything. 
I don't use it when I click my backspace button. In fact I don't use it for typing at all.
When I drink from a cup with a handle it just kinda hangs out on the side. 
It puts little to no effort when I am grabbing something.
When I want to put my pinkie finger down, it has the balls to bring the third finger down with it.
It never wants to pop when I am popping all my fingers.
I use my middle finger more than I use my pinkie.
My pinkie is mangled into a weird shape. (apparently runs in my family?)
I typed this sentence using my pinkies. It feels weird.
It doesn't help me write with a pen or pencil.
I don't use it when I am catching a ball.
If I played the piano I would probably use it more... or any musical instrument in that case.
All my other fingers, (besides my thumb) can reach farther than it.

Why do we have pinkies? why do they exist?

I don't know, but they do. So they must be pretty dang important.


  1. Holy fricka duce! I have never thought about my pinkies in any way like that what so ever. You obviously have a gift to notice things others wouldn't. If I were you, I would spend the rest of my life becoming the next world dominater. Nice Post

  2. my poor pinkie's self esteem just dropped 10 levels.

    good idea. way to think dooood.

  3. Dude you totally forgot about pinkie promises! What about those huh? We need pinkies too.

    1. "In Japan, the pinky swear originally indicated that the person who breaks the promise must cut off their pinky finger."

      Wikipedia says so it must be true ;)

  4. Although my pinkies disagree with a lot of those sentences, I enjoyed this. I think that this post is biased though because my pinkies definitely don't have balls, even when taking my ring finger down with them.

    You can thank my pinkies for typing and posting this comment.
